Genealogy John Nicholas Pike


Ahnentafel John Nicholas Pike
John Wesley Maria Hill Frank Pike Mary Walker Nick Fury Jesse Wells John Diggle Cynthia Reynolds
Nick Wesley Mavis Pike Phil Fury Sara Reynolds
Arthur Pike Felicity Fury
John Nicholas Pike

From the universes of:

  1. the Mitchell Metaverse
  2. Marvel Comics Cinematic Universe / Earth-199999 (as depicted in the years 2012-2019)
  3. Dad's Army (as depicted in the years 1968-1977)
  4. DC Arrowverse Earth-2 (as depicted in the years 2012-2019)
  5. DC Arrowverse Earth-1 (as depicted in the years 2012-2019)
  6. DC Arrowverse Earth-19 (as depicted in the years 2012-2019)

John Nicholas Pike was an agent component of Slaytrekx.
He was, next after his direct great grandparents, named after ancestors of his great grandparent John Wesley:

  1. "John Smith", better known as The Doctor, of the universe of Doctor Who (as depicted in the years 1963-2017);
  2. John Crichton, husband of Aeryn Sun, of the universe of Farscape (as depicted in the years 1999-2003);
  3. John Constantine, of the 'Legends of Tomorrow', of the universe of DC Arrowverse Earth-1 (as depicted in the years 2012-2019);
  4. John Proudstar, of the 'Mutant Underground', of the universe of the Marvel Comics reality of Earth-TRN674 (as depicted in the years 2017-2019);
  5. Nicholas Rush, of the Ancients vessel 'Destiny', of the universe of Stargate (as depicted in the years 1997-2011);
  6. Nick Burkhardt, the Grimm, of the universe of Grimm (as depicted in the years 2011-2017);
  7. Oliver Pike, first ally of the Slayer Buffy Summers, of the universe of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the years 1992-2004); and
  8. Christopher Pike, Captain of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, of the universe of Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986).